Sunday, April 15, 2007

Bound together we leave for Carswell...all of us together.

God’s life and our lives are bound together, as a vine with
> >as a body with members. So corporate are we that no one can give a
cup of
> >cold water to the least person in the world without giving it to
> >
> > - Rufus M. Jones
> > from “The Double Search
> > This thought strikes me. strongly.....Every good work, kind deed,
> >encouraging word...all is given to God as well. Kind of blows my
> >am sure I will be the one receiving the cup of water from my sisters
> >prison...and God will too. We are all so interconnected with Grace
with each other. In fact, I think I take each of you with me to Carswell.

The fear we are spoon fed tries to keep us isolated
seperate but it is all an illision! It gives me such comfort to know
are all, each of us connected with each other and ultimately and
connected with God. I don't feel so alone.

My wish is that this connection is strong within our hearts and

Folks, it is very late and I am leaving very early this morning for Fort Worth.

Today I prayed with the Scripture passage about consider the lilies of the field...and how much more God cares for us and loves we don't have to worry. this gives me such peace. I know going to Carswell is a gift. Not that I relish going. It is so hard to be away from my kids and Sandeep, but somehow, I know..really know deep down in the depths of my heart and soul that all will be well and God is there. I don't have to worry or FEAR any one or any thing. God goes before me and all around me.

An SSND gave me a medal that says on the back in Latin, (she had to tell me what it said because I didn't know) "Do what ever he tells you." Kind of blew my mind again. I know it all sounds weird and doesn't make sense in this terror filled, "national security at all cost" world. I know I sound naive and off my rocker. But I don't think I have ever been more sane. So I go with peace and in peace. Please hold my children and husband and family in the palm of your hands. It is hard for them to understand as well. But I love them with every fiber of my being.

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